To Request/Report Manga email us at [email protected]
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Sliders - Can be used to sync the manga pages
Chapter Drag - Automatically changes the chapter of inactive language when it reaches the limit.
Language button - Changes the language.
Up-Down button - Changes the position of Dashboard.
Auto/AX-O button - Use or disable auto matching based on similarity of the images.
Float - Makes language button and up-down button move up when checked.
2x - Displays two images at once like a book.
Reverse Page - Only works when 2x is active,shifts the pages from left to right and right to left.
Pause - The selected language chapter won't move.
Fit-Screen - Disable it to make the image zoomable(for PC users)
No-click - Disables flipping pages using clicks or touch
OCR: No-Border-Removes border from ocr,Show-Shows all the OCR text, Off-Turns the OCR off
You can use arrow keys too to flip pages
Press L to change language,O to toggle auto and M to shift the dashboard
About Us
This site is meant to work as a resource site for learning Japanese through manga. We post both the English Translation (ENG TL) and Original Japanese(JP RAW) of manga .
This site was inspired by working right now) which made learning Japanese fun. archive link -